West Orange – Stark High School will celebrate Homecoming Friday night, Oct. 16.
Members of the Homecoming court are:
Front Row
Demaric Judge, Senior Prince
Eriel Jordan, Senior Princess
Margan Ferguson, Senior Princess
Phillis Jones, Senior Princess
Destinie Stewart, Senior Princess
Tiffani Birdon-Culpepper, Senior Princess
Aric Cormier, Senior Prince
Second Row
Malacci Hodge, Senior Prince
Aaliyah Teel, Football Sweetheart
Alexus Bondage, Cheerleader Sweetheart
Kaysha Lewis, Fillie Sweetheart
Jackie Wilson, Band Sweetheart
Steven Tims, Senior Prince
Third Row
Thomas Wallace, Senior Prince
Da’shayla Cooper, Sophomore Duchess
Alexis Holt, Junior Duchess
Ja’Tayjah Vital, Junior Duchess
Kennedy Queen, Sophomore Duchess
Keion Hancock, Junior Duke
Kentavious Miller, Junior Duke
Back row
Renaldo Rose, Freshmen Duke
Ja’vonn Ross, Freshmen Duke
Kyla Smith, Freshmen Duchess
Paje Bill, Freshmen Duchess
John Dallas, Sophomore Duke
Kedrick Harris, Sophomore Duke
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