Friday night traffic was once again backed up on I-10 eastbound. As we’ve seen in Orange many times, I-10 travelers start looking at the GPS on their vehicles for ways to get around the stoppage. For at least three travelers, they obviously weren’t here for all of the rain we had received during the day.
An 18 wheeler started the fiasco by trying to turn around in the parking lot of the Church of God of Prophecy at the corner of 7th Street and Bilbo which is behind the Horseman Store. It got stuck after the wheels left the concrete drive, leaving the trailer in the road. A suburban, also trying to escape the traffic, tried to go around the 18 wheeler and found themselves stuck on the property.
The 18 wheeler also did damage to the water and sewer line. Wrecker trucks were called to the scene but the pastor showed up and said nothing was happening until police arrived.
After police arrived on the scene, a white car, with two larger vehicles already stuck and authorities on scene, tried to go around the mess. They also got stuck.
The suburban was pulled out, paid the wrecker and got back on the road towards Florida.
The 18 wheeler was pulled out, but did not agree with the amount charged and refused to pay. So his truck was impounded and police took him to a local hotel.
Turns out the driver of the white vehicle had an outstanding warrant and was arrested at the scene.
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