I have to be in the mood to write this column. I would assume most columnists are the same and usually it’s something good or something bad, that triggers it. Today, that something is bad. Not world changing, but a capital OMG!
Have you seen the new Major League Baseball caps before teams began to pull them off the shelves? I can’t imagine how many people had to approve these designs before they went to the embroidery machines. The first hat I saw in their big reveal, I immediately said, “This must be a joke.” Wrong.
Not all are bad but the Astros and Rangers are definitely included in that group as seen below. Also Oakland, the Angels, and Seattle from what I remember.
Now if some bootleg outfit made these, and sold them as comical, that’s one thing. But these are the official hats of MLB. This won’t ruin their stock like the Lite beer debacle although I assume they’ll be some job openings for both the hat company and MLB. And this won’t be the last time you see them. Those already out in the public are now are being offered on the internet for hundreds of dollars. SMH
Larry Spears, Jr.
The Orange mayor and I finally got our schedules to meet so he could be on my Behind The Mic podcast. We had a great conversation although I kick myself for two things we didn’t get to talk about.
With two years still left on his last term, the talk of who’s going to run for mayor in two years is already garnering way more attention than the election being held in May. Spears believes as many as five will run, which includes three current council members (Brad Childs, Paul Burch and Terrie Salter) although none have officially signed up because it’s too early to do that. I’m sure this a subject that will be talked about in this column many times before it’s time.
Kountze and West Brook
Congratulations to the Lions and Bruins for their State Championships in basketball. Even though the “other sports” have been split like football it doesn’t diminish how hard it is to win it all. And for Kountze to win both boys and girls titles, the town should still be celebrating.
The Kountze boys coach is Duane Joubert and he was the one I thought about when the Lions won the title. I thought about how lucky he was to be coaching without a limp, or even coaching at all.
I gotten to know him over the years and we were at the district track meet in Anahuac some years ago. He was working in the discus arena and we would visit in between throws. I was pointing my camera at a Lady Bobcat from Orangefield as she threw the disc. As I followed the throw I see Joubert had taken a phone call and thankfully turned slightly away as the disc banged off his hip area. We all gasped as he manned up and tried to rub some dirt on it. But he had to be sore the next day or two.
While we’re talking basketball good luck to our neighbors in Vinton as they play for their first title on Friday against Franklin. How they beat Ferriday in the Semis is something worth looking up. Down in the game with about 5 seconds left, the guard looked to throw a pass down low. He threw the ball so hard it bounced off the backboard and into the hands of a teammate who caught the ball and threw it back in for a game winning three. Hopefully that luck stays with them.
Lunar Eclipse
For those of you up all night on Facebook saying you can’t sleep, do we have something for you! A total lunar eclipse will occur early Friday creating a striking red “Blood Moon.” According to NASA, Totality — the period when the moon is completely engulfed in Earth’s shadow — will last for approximately 65 minutes. For us that will be 1:26am-2:31am. The lunar eclipse will reach its maximum phase, whereby the moon is fully obscured by Earth’s deepest darkest shadow, the umbra, at 1:59 a.m.
The One That Got Away…Kinda
I got a day to wet a hook at Toledo Bend last Sunday and set the hook on this one about an hour before dark. It was one helluva fight. Had to pull line out several times, got hung in the motor briefly, and when I thought she was tired and I reached for the net, it hung up on another lure and I had to scoop her by hand, which is an added challenge.
I finally thought I had the 10 plus lunker it takes to get a free replica from the Toledo Bend Association. A goal for any bass fisherman. Still shaking from the catch, I had to find my scale. When you don’t need a scale often, it tends to fall deeper in the box if you know what I mean. Then I wondered if the batteries were good. I felt like I had a high 10. I sent the picture to a couple of friends and family and they were all sure it was way over 10. But the scale read… 9-11.
I know, it’s still a good fish and I’m grateful, but man I was sure this was the one. I was so deflated I didn’t even think about measuring her before I put her back in the water. I wish I would’ve found another fisherman and checked with their scales. Knowing me I’ll start carrying two scales now.
Don’t forget the boat races at the Orange Boat Ramp (weather willing) and Family Day at the Stark Museum of Art this weekend!
-Gary Stelly-
Volume 1 No. 9
The Juice is a weekly column where Gary Stelly discusses things that happened the past week and mixes it with 40 years of being involved in the Orange County community. (If we think of a better way to explain it we’ll change it) You can also check out his podcast by clicking on the Behind the Mic banner on the KOGT.com front page.
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