Deweyville, Orangefield, Bridge City and Vidor will all be sending lifters to the State Powerlifting Meet after their performances at Regionals.
Deweyville’s Rio Garcia is headed to the 2A State Powerlifting Meet after winning his weight division and setting four new meet records!
Orangefield’s Akilles Garcia took first place at the regional powerlifting meet and is headed to Abilene to compete in the state powerlifting meet. He competed in the 220 pound weight class and had a total of 1600 pounds including a 650 pound squat.
Bridge City senior Mario Martin won first place with a total of 1315 lbs. and also won Outstanding Bench Press.
Vidor will be sending three to State. Marcelo Avalos 2nd place (State Qualifier), Riley Marlow 3rd place (State Qualifier), Kaiden Welch 2nd place (State Qualifier)
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