Richard Eugene Lobb passed away April 13, 2023 in Ciudad del Carmen Mexico. He was born March 3, 1946, and his parents were Joe Boone Lobb and Jimmie Patten Lobb.
He graduated from West Orange High School in 1964. The summer after his graduation, he and a buddy, Larry Boudreaux went to New Orleans looking for work off shore. He went to work that summer for Brown & Root on an offshore pipelaying barge. He was 18 years old. One of the requirements to work offshore was, you had to be 21 years of age. He knew he wouldn’t get hired at the age of 18, so he put on his application he was 25. If you are going to stretch the truth, you might as well go all out. That launched his life-long career in the offshore pipeline business. His work started out in south Louisiana around Burris, Belle Chasse, and Grand Isle. After a year Brown & Root had a job in Alaska. He worked there for 3 years in the summer months. From there he was sent overseas to lay pipe in the North Sea. His work took him to Norwich, Norfolk England; Great Yarmouth, Rotterdam, Holland; Aberdeen Scotland; Singapore, Bombay, India; Thailand and Bahrain. Then in the early 1980’s Brown & Root began a pipeline out of Ciudad del Carmen Mexico. After a few years Brown & Root sold out to a Mexican firm and moved on, but Richard stayed on working for various companies in Mexico. He was doing consultant work for Demar up until the time of his death.
He is proceeded in death, by his parents, his in-laws and by his dear friends of the Wilson family.
Those left to mourn his loss are his daughter, Jenny Lobb Stark and her husband, Bill, his former wife, Mary Bridges Lobb, his cousins, in-laws, and friends. His funeral services and burial took place in Tihautlan, Veracruz Mexico.
The family would like to Thank, Demar, for their support at this difficult time.
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