The Orange County Master Gardeners Assn. in conjunction with the Field of Plenty will be presenting a fall program Saturday, November 10, 2018 at the Field of Plenty on Wickard St behind Orange Christian Services on planting asparagus, composting and recycling. Dot Chauvin will present a slide presentation on her book “Asparagus Tips”. The Master Gardeners will explain how to “Compost it-Don’t Bag It” and the Trashy Ladies will go over recycling in Orange County. The cost is $20, which includes an autographed copy of Mrs. Chauvin’s book and 2 raffle chances for a composter. Payment will be collected the day of the event at the Field of Plenty gate. Please RSVP by going to and clicking on the registration tab. Call the Extension office at 409-882-7010 if you have any questions.
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