Infrastructure projects are ongoing in Pinehurst and more will start in the near future. The City Council met Tuesday and approved Pinehurst to apply for a Texas Department of Agriculture grant for fiscal year 2021.
Pinehurst has already been approved for a previous Community Development Block Grant from the Ag Department for $275,000. It will be used to do sewer improvements on Mockingbird and Enchanted Oaks. The grant for this fiscal year if received would be for $350,000.
Bids have been received for work to start on the $6.8 million Harvey Round 1 Disaster Relief grant from the Texas General Land Office. Texas Pride Utilities was awarded the contract to do sewer improvements as part of the three phase project. The council authorized the city to solicit bids for the street and electrical phases of the project.
Pinehurst Police Chief Fred Hanauer received approval to apply for a Criminal Justice Grant. The grant if received will be used to purchase eight body cameras and four dash units for patrol cars according to Hanauer. The items are valued at $22,000.
A beautification project has started in Pinehurst the last couple of months, and it is going well according to City Administrator Jerry Hood. The city has been divided into seven sections for the project.
Code Enforcement for the city has completed sections one and two in the cleanup initiative by visiting residences and businesses in those sections to point out discrepancies that need attention. “We want the City of Pinehurst to be a place where folks want to come to live and also bring their business,” Hood summarized.
A closed executive session dealing with personnel matters was held at the conclusion of the regular meeting. The City Council took no action as a result of the closed session.
-Dan Perrine, KOGT-
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