Orange police have arrested three men in two days for criminal trespassing at 16th Street stores where they had been warned not to loiter. One of the three also faces a charge of soliciting without a permit because a person who was asked for money agreed to press a complaint.
Captain Robert Enmon said patrol officers recognized the arrestees as having been warned to stay off the private store properties. Also, store employees agreed to prosecute.
Criminal trespassing is a Class B misdemeanor and if found guilty, a person faces up to 180 days in jail or a maximum $2,000 fine, or both.
Tuesday morning at 10:30, a patrol officer saw a man in the parking lot of Walgreen’s, 1408 16th Street. The officer reported he knew the man had been issued a trespassing complaint to stay away from the store. The officer also saw the man standing at the window of parked car with a woman inside.
The woman told the officer the man had asked for money because he was having family problems. The officer reported the woman said she would sign a complaint.
Davis Paul Foreman Jr. of Orange was arrested for criminal trespass and the Class C misdemeanor of soliciting without a permit. The Class C offense has a maximum fine of $500.
On Wednesday morning about 8:30, a patrol officer arrested 27-year-old Dustin Jared Chapman of Orange for criminal trespass at CVS, 2425 16th Street.
That afternoon, a patrol officer saw a man by the gas pumps at the Get N Go, 2419 16th Street. The officer reported the man might have been asking customers for money. The man had been warned on March 22 not to come on store property. The patrol officer pulled his vehicle around and the man walked off in another direction.
The officer reported clerks inside the store wanted to press a trespass charge against the man. The officer arrested the man about a block away from the store. Nathan Ewin Warnell Jr. of San Antonio was taken to the Orange County Jail for criminal trespass.
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