The Youth Career Expo is an annual event held by Workforce Solutions of Southeast Texas that introduces area high school youth to exciting career choices and pathways. Orangefield students explored resources and services to take charge of their future for a successful transition into college and/or a career. It was unanimous, the Career Fair was a hit, it just didn’t last long enough.
Above: Mason Hougton, Logan Cheek, Adam Tran, and Brycen Tait seek a path into the Armed Services.
Diego Garcia and Garrett Rawls seek opportunitiesĀ in the gas industry.
Kendal Neely and Rylie Hubbard play a game while learning about the LSC-PA Nursing Program
Emilee Nunez and Gracie Luker receive information about Lamar State College – Orange’s many Health Science Programs.
Wesley Rice, Tanner Sullivan, and Cain Hawthorne appear somewhat nervous about Lamar State College – Orange’s Pharmacology Program.
Bailey Burnett, Maekaylee Hilliard, and Fallynn Randall are being challenged as they try to build a stable business path, by Lamar Institute of Technology.
Katlyn Jenkins, waiting to have her BINGO card stamped, listens to a Lamar State College – Port Arthur representative.
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