by Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Services (October 17th to October 23rd, 2022): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered sixty-five (65) calls to service
Jail Population: We currently have twenty (20) inmates in the following Jails, twelve (12) housed in Newton, eight (8) housed in Jasper.
Jail Bookings: Last week there were six (6) individuals booked into the NCSO Jail.
Jail Transports: One inmate picked up from Orange County Sheriff’s Office. One inmate picked up from Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office.
The following individual was booked and arraigned:
Sauls,Shaun Ray 10/22/2022 F2 Poss CS PG 1/1-B>=4G<200G
MA Poss Dangeroud Drug
F2 Probation Violation/Poss CS (Reeves Co)
MC Poss of Drug Paraphernalia
Richards,Kimberly June 10/17/2022 FS Probation Violation/Poss CS PG1<1G
Benoit,Jason 10/20/2022 F3 Bond Forfeiture (Poss CS PG 1>=1G<4G)
Barnes,Quentin Aquino 10/21/2022 MB Criminal Trespass
Koester,Jessica Jolene 10/19/2022 F2 Abandon/Endanger Child Imminent Danger BI
Klying,Christopher Allen 10/19/2022 F2 Abandon/Endanger Child Imminent
Danger BI
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Hwy 190 E Pedestrian Walking in the middle of the road, illegal dumping of trash, Civil Disturbance, Welfare Concern, Disturbance, False Alarm, Animal Nuisance, Disabled Vehicle, Deadly Conduct, Civil Standby, Extra Patrol (Hwy 190 West for illegal Parking in No Parking Zone)
Burkeville: Tree down on Hwy 63E, Alarm, Assault Family Violence, Trespassing, Cruelty to Animals
Bon Wier: Suspicious Activity, Burn Ban Violation, Suspicious Activity (individual trying to flag passing motorists), Deadly Conduct
Kirbyville: Assault-Simple, Animal Nuisance
Bleakwood: Theft
Buna: Welfare Concern
Call: Trespassing, Burn Ban Violation, Reported Missing Person (Adult)/Located
Scrapping Valley: Burn Ban Violation
Wiergate: Assault Family Violence, Trespassing
Farrsville: Side-by-Side Accident with motor vehicle, Animal Nuisance
Trout Creek: Burn Ban Violation, Miscellaneous Officer Assist, Assault-Simple
Shankleville: Animal Nuisance
Toledo Bend: Burglary
Old Salem: Suspicious Activity
Sandjack: Trespassing (Arrest Made)
Deweyville: Reckless Driver, Noise/Loud Music, Criminal Mischief, Welfare Concern, 4-wheelers speeding up and down the roadway, Harassment, Animal Nuisance, Cruelty to Animals, Suspicious Activity (people at a vacancy home), Trespassing, Criminal Mischief
Indian Hills: Follow-up/Case Inquiry
Jamestown: Disturbance
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