On April 11, 2023, my only sister exited this world to enter a world free of the hardships and frailties that plagued her for so long. Only two days ago, I remember looking into her eyes and asking her just how she was feeling, and she simply responded with “I’m finally at peace in my life.” I’ve often wondered why some people must endure such difficulties and struggles in life, only to enjoy such precious moments of peace and clarity. Not long ago, I composed several lines; I didn’t know it at the time, but these words I reserve for my sister… my brilliant blue sky.
“Enveloping a landscape filled with imperfections, a brilliant blue sky touches ever so gently, caressing with adoration its love of life itself. Plagued by stormy tempests and divisive rumblings, the brilliant blue sky works with undaunting patience to return to the magnificence of a clear, uninhibited day. For the perfection of a brilliant blue sky effaces the unquestionably withering effects of ominous clouds and seemingly torrents of pain.”
Doug Pierce – Nancy will forever remain my brilliant blue sky!
Nancy is survived by her four remaining brothers. Doug Pierce resides in Beaumont, Texas. Melvin Pierce currently lives in Gun Barrel, Texas. Michael Pierce has recently moved to the Austin area and Joe Pierce has established his home in The Woodlands. She is also survived by other loving family. She is preceded by her mother Catherine Sue Pierce, her father Melvin L. Pierce, and her brother Kenneth Pierce.
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