by Sen. Robert Nichols, Senate District 3
In 1969, our nation made history by putting a man on the moon. A lesser known fact the astronauts who joined us on the floor this week shared is that Texas is the only state with a flag on the moon, and now we have two!
Here are five things happening around your state:
1. State budget for the next biennium passes the Senate
This week the Senate unanimously passed its version of the state budget for the next two years. The proposed budget, Senate Bill 1 by Senator Joan Huffman, will spend $153.5 billion in state revenue, and with federal funds included will spend $336 billion. The budget included money to lower school property taxes, and allotted money to raise the homestead exemption to $140,000. Public schools will receive a $500 million increase to school safety funding. I had the opportunity to chair a Finance Committee’s workgroup on 36 state agencies and roughly 56 billion dollars. The House version of the budget is making its way through the Appropriations Committee. Once the House passes their bill, a conference committee will convene to resolve differences between the chambers. Once a final proposal has been made, it will go before both chambers for approval.
2. Major water infrastructure bill passes out of committee
Senate Bill 7 by Senator Charles Perry passed out of committee on Monday. SB 7 would provide $1 billion dollars in dedicated funds every year to support water projects in the state. Senator Perry noted that half the states rural water associations fear they could run out of water in the next 20 years. The agriculture industry has seen significant negative effects from the impending water shortage. SB 7 will ensure that after this session the state can take monumental steps to make sure this doesn’t happen. The bill will provide funding to support and encourage “non-traditional water supply development.” Senator Perry stated that the bill will protect existing water supplies by prohibiting projects that move freshwater to alternative locations, ensuring that existing sustainable resources are not depleted. This funding will go before the voters for final approval. I was proud to coauthor SB 7 and I think it will be a historic step in improving our water infrastructure.
3. Bill passes to provide for safer pedestrian railroad crossings
Senate Bill 1555 and accompanying Senate Concurrent Resolution 25 passed on the Senate floor this week. I was proud to author SB 1555 which creates a grant program for political subdivisions to construct pedestrian railroad crossings. The accompanying resolution SCR 25 by Senator Carol Alvarado, urges Houston to build a pedestrian crossing in honor of Sergio Ivan Rodriguez. In December, Sergio tragically lost his life at 15 at a railroad crossing near Milby High School. SB 1 includes $350 million for this program and $10 million is included to build the crossing near Milby High School where Sergio was killed. This new program will protect lives and create safer communities. Our sympathy is with the family and friends of Sergio.
4. Health and Human Services Commission announces $239 million in grants for mental health care in rural Texas
This week the Governor announced that $239 million in construction grants were awarded to expand access to rural mental health care. The funding will support up to 332 beds for patients in four communities including, $64 million to improve and add on to facilities in Beaumont. The funding allows for facilities to use at least 50% capacity for patients who are admitted through the criminal justice system to determine if the patients are fit to stand trial. This expansion will combat rising mental health concerns in rural areas and will relieve a burden from the criminal justice system by ensuring individuals are treated fairly and appropriately.
5. East Texas cowboys land in world rankings after the Houston Rodeo
Two cowboys from East Texas are now in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Top Five after their performances Sunday night at the Houston Rodeo. Steer wrestler, Holden Myers had a 5.2 second performance placing second in the PRCA world rankings for his event. Kincade Henry, a tie-down roper, placed second with his 8.1 second time. Henry is now ranked third in the world rankings for his event. Two other East Texans had impressive performances. Lighting Aguilera placed sixth in team roping in the championship round placing him at sixth place worldwide for his event. Logan Cook a saddle-bronc rider now sits at 28th on PRCA world rankings. I am glad to see East Texas so well represented in a cultural staple of Texas!
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