The Orange chapter of the American Association of University Women in late December named long-time member Margaret Smith Light, right, as Member of the Decade, an honor bestowed by the chapter for the first time in the group’s 60+ years. Light is a native of Orange, but spent many years in California and the San Francisco area practicing law. She is now retired.
Light is honored for serving as Book Sale Chair for nearly 20 years, most often located on the porch of the Lutcher Theater, in conjunction with Art in the Park. The purpose of the used book sale is to provide an academic scholarship for
one outstanding senior female graduate from West Orange-Stark High School,
as well as one from Little-Cypress High School, both schools being in the city of Orange. Additionally, Light traditionally conducts an Annual Pizza Party at her home in early Fall to welcome prospective members to AAUW.
Presenting Light with a service plaque is Orange AAUW President Linda White, left, of Vinton, Louisiana.
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