Update…Landon was found in a wooded area near his home around 8:15am. He had slept in a sleeping bag with his dog.
(3:55am Saturday) The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is currently searching for a missing 10 year old in the area of Charlotte Road Orange, Texas.
10 year old Landon Smith has been missing since 8:00 pm yesterday night. Family stated Landon has walked away from the home on other occasions but has always returned home a short time later. Deputies have searched the neighborhood and spoke with other relatives and were not able to locate Landon. Deputies are searching Forest Heights and the surrounding neighborhoods. At this time, Deputies are searching on foot and are being assisted by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office helicopter.
Landon was last seen wearing blue jeans, a blue t-shirt, and boots. The family’s dog, a belgium malinois (looks similar to a german shepherd) named Max should be with Landon also.
The Sheriff’s Office is asking that neighbors in the Forest Heights and surrounding areas to check in their yards and any buildings in case Landon may have gotten lost and sought shelter from the cold.
Contact the Sheriff’s office at 409-883-2612 if you have any information about Landon Smith.
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