The Orange Amateur Radio Club will be hosting another “Hamfest” this February 21st-22nd, 2025 at the Expo Center located 11475 FM 1442. This will be a two day event. Entry is 10 dollars ,(one time purchase) kids 12 and under are free. You will need wrist band to enter the Main Hall. Plenty of door prizes and raffles . Main prizes for Saturday are (Icom IC-7300, Yaesu FR-710, and Icom IC-2730A) . Friday main prize is Icom IC-2730A also. No need to be present for main prizes.
Doors open to public at 1pm Friday til 6:30pm. There will be a BBQ dinner at 6:30 pm ($15)till we run out of plate dinners. There will be forums that will be posted inside the hall. This event is our only fundraiser of the year. VE (Ham)Testing will be available at 10am for new license or upgrade. The FCC now requires new amateur radio applicants to create an FCC user ID and register for an FCC Number (FRN) on the FCC registration website before taking the examination. Bring your FRN, the original and a copy of any current FCC License and any C.S.C.E’s picture ID and $15 for testing fee Also there will be outside tailgate sales too. For more information please contact Phil Pollock at
pollock.AF5DT@gmail.com or 409 988-9898.
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