Phins Apparel will host the Inaugural Phins Fishing Classic in eight Southern states and will benefit over
240 United Ways.
The Phins Fishing Classic (PFC), powered by the Fishing Chaos App, will be held remotely across an eightstate region for the first time. PFC will allow anglers in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas to fish in this event for a guaranteed $10,000 worth in prizes and to ultimately benefit their local United Ways. The PFC tournament will be open from April 9th to May 1st.
More details about this event:
• Tickets can be purchased at the Fishing Chaos website or in app.
• An Open Ticket is $35 and an Open Ticket with a Tournament T-shirt is $55.
• Donation tickets (of $10 apiece) and High School Bass Tickets are also available.
• This is a catch-photo-release tournament.
• Anglers will submit photos of their fish for professional judging via the Fishing Chaos App & Reel
Tournament Management.
100% net proceeds from this event will be divided among the United Ways based on angler
participation from their community
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