About 30 to 40 department heads at the Courthouse met Thursday morning with County Judge Dean Crooks. The meeting was like an informal staff meeting held in the Commissioners Courtroom.
The media was welcomed for opening comments from Judge Crooks and were then asked to leave to allow for a more open discussion of issues by the department heads. Crooks said he wants to have open and honest communication lines between his office and the other offices at the Courthouse. He emphasized the only four-letter word he will not tolerate is “CAN’T” in discussions of getting things done in Orange County.
The meeting was not a called meeting and was not posted so the four County Commissioners were not able to attend because it would have caused a quorum of the Commissioners Court which is not allowed unless the meeting is posted in advance. Discussions included holding future department head meetings like Thursday’s on a regular basis possibly every quarter.
-Dan Perrine, KOGT-
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