A ribbon cutting was held Monday morning for the official opening of the Cove Recreation Area park by the Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Orange.
The Cove Recreation Area was developed with CDBG funding, grant funds from Dow and generous donations. This project was started in order to revitalize the Cove area. The City wanted to give the Cove area a place for neighbors to gather and families to have a safe place for their children to play. Dow decided to become a good neighbor and have graciously given grants to make this area even nicer. Chevron Phillips has donated benches for people to have a place to sit and Saxon Bechtel has donated Naval Orange Trees to give people an opportunity for fresh fruit. A walking trail will also be installed with a generous donation from Rogers Lumber. The City hopes that this park will give the community a place they can enjoy for many years to come.
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