It was a packed house Tuesday night at the Orange County Expo Center as the Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Banquet.
Awards were announced, a new chairman was introduced, and a good meal and good time were had.
Outgoing Chairman Jessica Hill handed the gavel over to Stacey Brister. Bristers theme is “Making Orange Stronger Together” as she talked about optimism and networking will create opportunities for Orange to flourish for both businesses and individuals. Brister is the Superintendent of LCMCISD. (photo above by Cheryl Taylor)
Brister introduced her Executive Board. They include Shaun McAlpin, Zach Johnson, Wade Smith, Ashla Taylor, Wendy Elmore, and Megan Layne.
Stark Foundation President Tad McKee was named the Citizen of the Year. Besides his duties at the Foundation, McKee serves on several boards and civic groups. McKee was very appreciative but also gave much of the credit to the employees of the foundation.
The award for Business Community Service was given to Tina and Jessie Romero, the owners of Mathews Jewelers Orange.
The Non-Profit Community Service Award went to Be Blessed Orange Texas, a business run by Rita Ballard that just had their ribbon cutting in June of last year.
Derek McWilliams is the new Ambassador Chair and Ashla Taylor was named Ambassador of the Year.
Colton Baker was announced as the Next Generation Spotlight winner and Megan Layne was named Board Chairperson of the Year.
Mardi Gras is next up for the Chamber. The Ball is scheduled for Feb. 8 and the Krewe Parade is Feb. 22. Those wanting a float in the parade need to contact the chamber for details.
The Bassmaster Elites will be back in town May 15-18.
-Gary Stelly, KOGT-
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