Bridget Michelle Langley, age 52, of Orange, Texas, passed away on September 19, 2023, surrounded by loved ones. A memorial gathering will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, at Dorman Funeral Home.
Bridget Michelle Rodgers was born on February 8th, 1971, in Orange, to Rick Rodgers as well as Hazel Teal. She lived a very stressful childhood, my mother was diagnosed with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy when she was young. She had to wear braces on her legs for a long time, eventually when she got older it became a little bit easier she was raised by Ronald Douglas Scott and her mother Hazel Teal Scott. Around 2002 My big brother was born John Douglas Langley (21). In 2004 my mom married my father John Langley before I was born Jade Allyne Langley (19). Growing up was a very stressful time Bridget lived in many places including (Orange Tx, Livingston texas, Colorado, Canyon Lake Tx as well as Brandon MS.) We were raised by our mother with our father and It was a very harsh childhood from fights to arguments to staying up late and stressing if we were gonna hear them fight again.
Eventually, in 2011 my father decided it was time for us to sit down and have a talk. We were told that my father was going to leave and we would visit on weekends. This went on for a while and it killed both of us and most importantly mom. Everytime My father came to drop us off I remember my mom cursing at him deep down I knew she was hurt. After a while My mom and I were the only ones at the house my brother left with my father and lived in (Hattiesburg MS.) I lived with my mom and while I was living with her her father Ronald Scott passed on May 3rd 2016, In the summer of that year there were a bunch of arguments between the two of us. On September 12th, 2016 I left my mom Because of the words she said “ I don’t want you anymore” While on the phone with my dad. Those words killed me and I’m aware this is an obituary and I respect that but these are the memories I have in my mind. She was not in my life from 2016-2021.
On February 8th, her birthday I messaged her on messenger “Happy Birthday momma I love you and Always will, Hope you’re doing Okay”. We talked for a bit but not that long and then Once I was in CPS my mom was able to talk to me and we conversed and we got extremely close and about a month after my 17th birthday I saw my mom after five years. I was so excited and it made me so happy because of the fact that I missed her. While I was in Cps, My mom supported me and was always there for me. I appreciate it and I miss her dearly. Our relationship was very rocky once I left care, she did support me in every way possible to make sure I was okay. She fought with me throughout my relationships and just wanted me to be happy. My boyfriend Cogan Houle (18) of 1 year and 2 months has been through everything with me and I appreciate it so much, my mom loved him and many more I’m still happy I have Him in my life due to the fact that he is helping me heal through these hard times and I love him for that. I’m aware that in the future my mom had plans to help me heal and she wanted so much for herself and more. She lived in a Nursing home, in Flatonia, for a long time and she finally got her apartment and I was so proud of her and I know she was as well and I love that. She was so happy as well, I’m glad she was able to gain that and the ability to take care of herself. I’m distraught she had to go because I know for a lot of people we didn’t get to say our goodbyes. She loved so many and one thing I’ll never forget is every night she would tell me “Top your head, Tip your toes. All my heart, All my soul. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck” I miss her so much and many will know now she is at rest.
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