The Commissioners Court on Tuesday postponed adopting the budget and thus the tax rate for next year. Questions over the use of certain restricted funds will be answered by Assistant County Attorney Denise Gremillion to help the Court determine how much the county has in reserves for next year.
County Judge Dean Crooks added that the four Commissioners were unable to attend the public hearing on the budget Monday evening and would like some time to review the revised budget prepared by County Auditor Pennee Schmitt. The Commissioners Court could approve the budget at next week’s meeting or even during a called meeting Friday, September 28, as long as it is approved before October 1.
The proposed tax rate of $0.542 per 100 dollars value cannot be approved until the budget is approved. It must be approved between 3 to 14 days from the last public hearing on the tax rate. The last public hearing on the tax rate was held Friday, September 14, so even September 28 would meet the requirement.
The Commissioners did approve the salaries for elected officials in the next year. The vote was 4 to 1 with all the Commissioners approving the salaries that were published previously. Judge Crooks had wanted to reduce the salaries for all the members of the Commissioners Court to what the amounts were prior to the across the board pay increase for elected officials approved last year by the Commissioners Court.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office will continue participation in the Board of Crime Stoppers of Southeast Texas. The Sheriff’s Office has participated the last few years when the program was extended from the City of Beaumont. The cost was originally $5,000 annually and has been raised to $5,647 for next year. The Commissioners Court approved paying the fee which Sheriff Keith Merritt indicated could be paid for through drug forfeiture funds.
Orange County will pursue participation in the Buyout and Elevation programs administered through FEMA for the unincorporated areas of the county. The Commissioners Court held a workshop prior to the regular meeting on Tuesday to hear from Phil Hampsten about the program. Hampsten a consultant on such programs said the acquisition and elevation programs from the Texas General Land Office are still in the works some 13 months since Harvey. A public meeting in July had 76 citizens fill out notices of interest for the FEMA buyout and elevation program.
Tax Assessor-Collector Karen Fisher recommended the Court accept the $1,500 bid on a property at 823 Irving in Orange. The property is vacant, and the bidder said he wants to build a home on it which would get it back on the tax rolls. The Commissioners Court approved accepting the bid.
Capital assets at the Courthouse will be more expensive next fiscal year. The Commissioners Court approved increasing the amount of capital assets from $500 to $2,000 dollars effective October 1. The change will allow department heads to make purchases up to just below the new level from their department’s budget without making a request to the Commissioners Court for the purchase. It was said by County Purchaser Connie Cassidy that the new level will be more in line with the capital assets set by other counties.
The Court approved increasing the requested donation for the Garth House actually doubling the amount. The Garth House which counsels children who have been abused was requesting a $5,000 donation from the county. Crooks admitted with the county’s tight budget it would be difficult to make that large of a donation. Auditor Schmitt found a fund which can be used to pay the donation for next year despite the tight budget under which Orange County is working.
September and October are Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Months in Orange County. The Court approved a proclamation recognizing Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness. The Gift of Life Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon Run will be held Saturday, October 6, in downtown Beaumont.
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