The Orange City Council Friday morning finished all the legal steps for the annexation of the International Paper containerboard mill. The economic development contract was also approved on the final reading. The company requested to be annexed earlier in the year in exchange for economic development incentives that include not paying the city’s 1.5 percent sales tax on items sold from the mill. Mayor Jimmy Sims was absent during the meeting with Mayor Pro Tem Mary McKenna presiding. The council members present voted unanimously on the annexation and economic development contract.
The council also scheduled a workshop on the proposed 2015-16 budget, which will start on October 1. The workshop developed into a philosophical discussion on taxes, expenditures and community quality of life. District 2 Councilman Dr. Wayne Guidry, who took office in May, asked “Is our primary goal just to keep taxes low or to fulfill needs?”
City Manager Dr. Shawn Oubre said goal is “to provide quality services” within the means of the citizens.
Guidry said he has noticed the police and fire departments have a lot of “very young” officers and firefighters. He wondered if the city paid more, the police department would have more experienced officers. Oubre replied that those two departments have collective bargaining contracts with set salaries and benefits. He said the fire department has had retirements with younger recruits. Some of the police officers have left for more pay at other departments. He said the city does comparisons of pay and benefits with other departments. “You’re not the highest; you’re not the lowest,” he said.
The city has cut property taxes for the past few years after negotiating higher industrial district contract payments from industries outside the city limits. In return, the industries have long-term contracts guaranteeing the city will not annex them.
Oubre also pointed out that the city had to recover from two major hurricanes in the past 10 years. Guidry said he thinks the council needs to consider “How do we enhance the city?”
-Margaret Toal, KOGT-
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