Drivers from the area are having a hard time remembering that the I-10 Service Road no longer goes over Adams Bayou.
Sunday the westbound turnaround, which had just reopened from the last accident, saw another accident as two people walked away from serious injuries after turning their vehicle on its side.
The westbound side has seen as many as four accidents that has closed the turnaround while the eastbound turnaround has had at least two accidents that has forced closure for repair. Fortunately the guardrails have kept vehicles out of the bayou as of Sunday.
While most of the blame is on the drivers, some who drive the area often said there should be some blinking lights before the curve and at the curve. “For decades we’ve driven across that bayou,” said a woman who was watching the accident scene. “We need more signage or blinking lights. And it’s not lit up well at night. “
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