Well we’re trying something new here at KOGT.com. A weekly column to talk about things going on in the Orange area, thoughts from this old noggin, and more. It’s something I’ve thought about for a while and persistence by some of you to do it, and so here we are.
I’m still up in the air about the name of the column. Was playing off of Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.” Let me know what you think or submit one to me. Logo too.
There are a lot of things I miss about KOGT Radio and by far was having the mic every morning to talk to the listeners about current events and thoughts for the day. As a matter of fact it was on this day 77 years ago that KOGT hit the airwaves for the first time. Obviously a lot has changed in the business since that time but I’m going to say that more has changed over the last 10 years, than it did over the first 67.
We start with a huge congratulations to LCM grad Joe Bob Edwards and his wife Bonny (WOS). Joe Bob is the President/CEO of Flowco, which went public today and Flowco got to ring the closing bell on the New York Stock Exchange! Flowco is a company that provides services and equipment to the oil and natural gas industry. They specialize in artificial lift systems, which are designed to increase the efficiency and lifespan of oil and gas wells. If you want to buy the stock, their stock ticker symbol is FLOC.
Many of you may not know that Mr. Andrew Hayes passed away in December. Hayes worked in the education business for more than 50 years at WOCCISD. Former teacher, coach, principal, superintendent and school board member, the man did it all and the district recognized him for it by naming the gym after him at the new West Orange-Stark Elementary School. There was no public service or obituary so we respect the family’s privacy, but I just wanted to recognize him for his career.
Another person that we lost recently was Doris Wood, who passed away last week at 92. Doris was a hoot, a go-getter, and one of the original area aerobic instructors when it took off in the 80’s. And yes that’s how Doris and I met. That was back when I was trying to woo my future wife. The classes were at the former McLewis Elementary. The beautiful Gwen Atkinson was an instructor too. Anyway while reading Doris’ obituary on KOGT, I found out that in her later years she worked at a casino dealing cards. Would’ve loved to have stood behind the table and watch her work! One more story before we move on, Angie and I had pulled into the parking lot at the movie theater in Beaumont and we saw two people walking briskly around the entire complex. I recognized it was Doris so we said Hello. She was making her date walk off his meal before they went and sat down in the theater for two hours. Not a bad idea. I think we tried it once… As she liked to say, “Go get you a good day!”
Appreciate the reaction so far to our new podcast, Behind the Mic, which started last year. Very excited to announce that Orange Mayor Larry Spears will be my guest. There’s a blue/orange banner on the front page that will show you all of the podcasts available.
Wanted to give a personal shoutout to Tad McKee for being named Citizen of the Year. Tad or Taddeus as he was known on KOGT Radio, has done a lot of good for the Orange area through the Stark Foundation. Congrats to all the other winners as well. You can see the story from the banquet here on KOGT.
PetSense is opening on Saturday morning on MacArthur Dr. Amazing these large companies (Tractor Supply) coming in here without doing any local advertising or joining the chamber. But the ladies I met that work there and are trying their best so wanted to give them some pub. We want all businesses to succeed.
Snow next week! At least that’s what all the sites are saying so can’t wait to see what we get.
Go get you a good day!
-Gary Stelly, KOGT-
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