The West Orange-Stark Class of 2019 will be the first to test out the new field according to WO-Cove Superintendent Dr. Rickie Harris. They will graduate on Friday, May 31 at 6pm.
This week the crew is putting the final touches on the new field and cleaning up the track.
Mustang football fans have waited a long time to have a turf field and after the bond issue passed in November they didn’t waste much time getting the project started.
Dan Hooks Stadium also received a fresh coat of silver paint with a blue trim.
The field features an artificial grass surface that looks like it’s grass that’s just been mowed. A layer of sand is placed on the turf followed by small black rubber pellets that are actually ground up tires to provide a softer landing.
It’s worth noting that the maker of the field turf warns against wearing heels. “Though no surface damage will likely occur from high-heeled shoes directly on your turf, graduates and guests should be forewarned that walking on in heels can be challenging.”
Harris said construction of the new scoreboard will be in June but the press box will stay the same this year. The new Event Center which will be built in the parking lot behind the home side of the football field will be connected to the new press box overseeing the football field.
The baseball and softball fields are starting to be prepped. They will also be turfed but it will be a different turf than used on the football field.
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