Rain and bad weather has hampered construction of the Stark Museum of Art annex, but the opening could be in the late spring, according to Gus Harris, chief properties officer for the Stark Foundation.
“The weather has not been our friend on this project,” he said. “We’ve had delays last sometimes two weeks.”
Harris said the building is currently on target to be completed in May.
The Stark Foundation broke ground for the annex in December 2015. The 15,000 square foot building is being constructed off Sixth Street to the east of the museum. The two-story building will have art education classrooms and studios on the first floor.
The second floor will house the Eunice R. Benckenstein Library and Archive. It is named for a longtime board member of the foundation. The library and archive will house letters, photographs, documents and other papers from the Lutcher and Stark families.
The building is costing nearly $8 million and SpawGlass is the general contractor.
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